Sunday 26 April 2015

The Moon's...... A Cracking Bit of Kit!!! 26th April 2015

A mixed bag of weather this weekend, breezy, a drop of rain and cool but bright sunshine.  I happened to go out to lock up the poultry at just the right time tonight.  In between the thin wispy clouds the night sky was black and crystal clear, and the moon magnificent......


Thursday 16 April 2015

Spring Must Be Here! - 16th April 2014

Say no more.......

[caption id="attachment_3009" align="alignnone" width="740"]Narcissus Narcissus[/caption]

Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday 5th April 2015

What a wonderful warm sunny day, shirtsleeve weather all day, beginning to end.

We had my Mother for lunch, a bit tough but the young folks seemed to manage with their sharper teeth...!!!  A day of curlews and deer in the field and a glorious, dramatic sunset......

[caption id="attachment_2999" align="alignnone" width="300"]Curlew Curlew[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3000" align="alignnone" width="300"]Photo:  Hilary Porteus Photo: Hilary Porteus[/caption]


Friday 3 April 2015

Spring is Apparently Here..... 3rd April 2015

After several days of rain and sleet, yesterday the weather was warm and sunny and Hilary and I were able to get out and transplant more daffodils and snowdrops from the front garden at the cottage to the new orchard above the burn.  Part of the front garden is about to disappear under the new driveway the planners say we need before work begins on the alterations and extension to the cottage.


Hilary had advice from her little band of helpers.....

So far we have managed to plant about two thirds of the new fruit trees and hopefully the rest, mainly "Heritage" varieties will arrive from Scottish Heritage Fruit Trees in the next few days.

Apart from the constant chatter of the wild birds and the ducks laying again, Spring is also heralded by wild flowers starting to bloom.

[caption id="attachment_2989" align="alignnone" width="711"]Coltsfoot Coltsfoot[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2987" align="alignnone" width="715"]Common Speedwell Germander Speedwell[/caption]

It could be a good year.......   Anyone want a pound of apples?!!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

The Moon 1st April 2015

We had a clear and crisp evening a few days ago and the moon was beautifully clear, I couldn't resist another shot.....P1000800

Such a change to the weather we have had here the last couple of days, back to the winter with cold, wet and sometimes snowy North Westerlies.  Brrr......