Saturday 14 September 2019

Hexham Abbey

I had a few moments to walk around the beautiful Hexham Abbey yesterday.

Ash Tree

This Ash Tree came down in the field a few years as ago and the trunk left as a seat beside the Burn. I occasionally stop and take pictures of the changes as it dries and of the moss and fungi that grow on it. The other day I noticed the capillaries on the sawn end. Quite beautiful.

Monday 2 September 2019


I think for the first time ever, I found this three headed Self Heal on the scrub banks above our little burn.  Looks just like a beautiful little candelabra.....

Sunday 1 September 2019

Harvest Time

On the southern edge of Northumberland they have been busy with harvest, the straw bales are waiting for collection in this field overlooking Shotley Bridge on the other side of the River Derwent, in Co Durham, I can just about see my old family house from here....