Tuesday, 2 February 2010

"Met. Office on The Line For You Sir"

"Where the hell did this lot come from?"

The light, early morning rain fell as forecast this morning!

And I wasn't the only disgruntled one!

Considering that the Met. Office is nominally owned by the Ministry of Defence, if I were a Tornado pilot I wouldn't dare take off on the strength of the forecasts!

Still, there were some compensations!

If this was the predicted 'rain', I dread to think what the promised snow will be like tomorrow?


  1. Lovely shots! I like the red car in the monochrome background - and your grumpy tit!

  2. I know you love the snow really... The grumpy birdie is great :-)

  3. The picture of the little bird is beautiful. They're all great pictures but I love that one. The snow has arrived in Glasgow again...

  4. Great pictures - I especially like the one with the seed heads covered in snow. Re your snowdrops - I noticed when we lived in Wales that whatever the weather they would start poking up through the earth as soon as the days started getting longer, so I think it's light that starts them growing rather than the temperature. They're very brave!
