Friday, 25 September 2009

The Sky at 19.27 bst

The Childrens Mother had a day off today, so we had a quiet, lazy time around the house before the school run and chores got in the way.

My evening trip to see my mother and check the animals was extended by a leaking boiler and a visit by the electricity engineer to check a damaged overhead line.  All this put paid to my plans for a few photos, so all I could manage was this sunset on the journey home for dinner.

Oh by the way, yesterdays feast of roast, terrier stuffed donkey, was delicious!!  And still some left for curry and sandwiches!


  1. Nothing beats a curried donkey! Your sunset is far more interesting than the only picture I managed yesterday! Nice colours.

  2. I love curried donkey. Going to ask Imp to make some for dinner tonight.
