Monday, 21 June 2010

I had to take my Mother over to Consett this afternoon to meet a friend and on the way home I did a little reminiscing.  I am always a slightly hesitant to revisit the past, a big piece of me says 'never look back' and often places of significance in my life have changed so much that the disappointment can outweigh the fonder memories.

But I did it anyway.

9 Clarence Gardens, I was born here just over fifty three years ago and it has changed so much in so many respects.

The Tin Mill Infants School, the first establishment responsible for what you have before you today!  Now a community centre.

St John's,  Snods Edge.  My parents were married here, in this beautiful little country church all those years ago and looking round the churchyard I can see the names of several relatives and far too many others I knew.

Unusually in this day and age, the church was open and I couldn't resist a picture of this wonderful stained window.  Not a religious bone in my body, I still love and marvel at churches, from a tiny chapel 
 hidden in the Manx countryside to the magnificence of Durham Cathedral. 

Was it worth it?  Perhaps on this occasion, yes.


  1. What a very charming post and with such beautiful images. That really made me smile this morning.

  2. You don't have to be religious to appreciate churches, I love them. I've never been back to see the house I was born in, although I've looked at others from my childhood on google earth, now that they have the street cameras.

  3. Beautiful shot of the window Jon. Very nice indeed.

    Google Street View now makes it all too easy to take a drive down memory lane.

  4. I enjoyed every second here :)
    Lovely shots and your looking back :)

  5. I love the stained glass window...lovely.
    Joined Wordless Wednesday too here Hope to see you back. Thanks!

  6. Absolutely worth it, from a fellow none religious church lover :-)

  7. It is strange to go back in time...things can look smaller, not as bright or out of place. All in all I think it's good for the soul to look where one came from. As for churches...ditto about the religious aspect but don't they give you a sense of peace!

  8. Love all your pictures as usual. Beautiful church. Thank you for sharing.
