Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Sunshine and More Flowers

A sunny but humid day here, still a pleasant change from the cold of late.  The variable light was quite nice for these pictures, though I used flash on the Oxlips to lift them a little.

 Red Campion    Silene dioica

Oxlips    Primula elatior

Daisy    Bellis perennis

Thanks as ever to The Children's Mother for helping identify the plants properly and dig out the latin names! 


  1. Very nice. I could never understand why professionals preferred to photograph gardens in shade rather than bright sunshine but your pics illustrate the power of the deeper background.

  2. lovely...i wonder how different the flowers are over there in your neck of the woods. i've only just started photographing them and i have no clue what most are.

  3. cool - all the flowers are a bit slow this year on skye - even the swallows were ten days late

  4. I seem to have missed a couple of your posts... I think I'm following too many blogs! Some lovely photos of plants.

  5. I love seeing flowers that I have never seen. Lovely photographs of them sir.

  6. lovely flowers. thanks for visiting my blog.
