Saturday, 22 May 2010

Wild Flowers (again!)

Sorry if anyone is getting bored with these flowers pictures, they are not my usual subject but am really enjoying crawling round on my hands and knees taking them.  On the other hand, as it were, my hands and knees are not enjoying it quite as much!

Lesser Stitchwort and Tufted Forget-me-not  Myosotis  caespitosa

Lesser Stichwort

Birdseye or Common Speedwell  Veronica persica

What will tomorrow bring?  More sun I hope!


  1. I'm enjoying your flower pics. I don't do crawling about very often as I can't get up without a crane or a very strong friend!

  2. I love your flower pics!

  3. I'm not bored - they are lovely. Sorry I haven't visited recently - it wasn't due to boredom! I'm enjoying catching up :-)

  4. These are gorgeous. Our wildflowers are grander and seem to have a longer season than ever this year.

    Absolutely lovely...

    See my Sunday Wordlessness here...
